Ringwood personal training

Try This Simple Workout Method

This is a blog post by Ringwood personal training expert Grant Lofthouse


As mention in the video – here’s the link where you can get access to the Strong Curves workout program.

Do NOT underestimate the power of full body workouts.

Body part splits (chest one day, back another day, eyelids the next) are not the best plan of attack for people unless you’re injecting yourself with the secret sauce.

For drug people it comes down to training frequency not how much torture you can give the muscle every 7 days.

To help illustrate my point…

If you perform a split and only train one muscle group per week.

At the end of the year you will have trained that one muscle 52 times.

Alternative if you perform 3 full body workouts per week for an entire year you will have trained that muscle 156 times.

52 or 156?

So what does an effective full body workout look like?

I reveal all in the video above.

Alternatively, you could just have me take care of all the guess work for you…

… I have a done-for-you strength program called Strong Curves.

It’s for girls who love to lift and want to build a strong, fit and athletic hourglass figure – so not skinny or thin (there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just not who the program is for).

It’s 100% free on the house as a way of saying thank you for visiting my site.

To get access to the Strong Curves workout program simply click here.