ringwood personal trainer

Ringwood Personal Trainer Reveals How to Stay Motivated

This is a blog post by Ringwood Personal Trainer, Grant Lofthouse

Some days, you just don’t feel the motivation mojo.

Some days, you feel more like Jabba the Hutt than Chuck Norris. 
You’re just not… inspired.

Well guess what: Neither am I or any of the most fitness fanatics.

The myth of “motivation”

There are three insidious myths about exercise and good nutrition — and good habits in general:

* You have to be “inspired” to do them.
* You should always be “motivated” to do them.
* “Experts” are always motivated to do them.


Even for trainers like me, there is no such thing as permanent motivation. The truth is, nobody will always be “motivated” or “inspired”.

Motivation comes and goes. Some days, it’s awesome — you are full of zest and mojo and ready to kick life in the ass.

Some days that motivation will totally go MIA. You’ll consider wetting the bed because it feels like too much effort to crawl out to the bathroom lol.

But it doesn’t matter.

You don’t need motivation nor inspiration to have good healthy habits.

It all comes down to ‘The 3 S’:

* Structure
* Systems
* Scheduling

Structures are the things and environments that surround us that make our habits done-for-you and convenient, like our 50 minute strength workouts offered Mon, Wed and Fri coached by a high-energy and support.

At our Ringwood personal training studio, Strength Squad, our clients find it convenient to get in a workout before or after work.

Ask yourself: Is your fitness program convenient and doesn’t’ take up half your day? (That will make a huge difference to help you achieve your goals)


Systems are the processes and practices we use to make things happen successfully.

In our workouts, we have a specific movement prep routine before our strength workout  that prepares us to move safely and effectively to maximize the workout.

Ask yourself: Is there a method to the madness of my workouts? Or am I just combining exercises that make me tired, and will lead to repetitive stress?

That’s only a small part of our professionally designed workouts that change each month.


You don’t just wait for the morning when you feel like going to the dentist. You book an appointment.

Likewise, we don’t just wait till inspiration strikes — our clients train the same time and day each week so it becomes apart of their weekly schedule. 

Ask yourself: Are you just winging your workouts and hoping you get in a few a week?

Make it a time priority, put it into your calendar, and stick to it.

So today, as you get ready for another week, think about at least one of the 3 Ss and aim to get some kind of structure, system, or scheduling so you don’t have to worry about motivation again.
Talk soon,


P.S: Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you with your weight loss and fitness goals:

1. Grab a free copy of my new book, The Fat Loss Cheat Sheet
It’s a easy to read book revealing the 5 systems you need to turn your body into a fat burning machine. – Click Here

2. Watch this for instant motivation
It’s an interview with one of my clients, Emma, who spills the beans on how she lost 8 kilos in 6 weeks from following our formula. If you want some fitness motivation – Click Here

3. Claim Your 2 Week Try Out
Come train at our private personal training facility, Strength Squad, on the house for the next 2 weeks and see what the fuss is all about. – Click Here