How Dan Received Client of The Month Honors

Meet our client of the month for January – Dan

I like to think of Dan as the mother hen of my Ferntree Gully personal training facility (and I’m not referring to her age).

I’ve given her this label because she has motherly characteristics and is a long, loyal client that I just can’t seem to get rid of 😉

She’s usually the first person to training, the first to introduce herself to a new client and the first to make sure that everyone is ok.

I’ll never forget the time I found out she tried her hardest to get in contact with someone at Slim Shady headquarters to get a personally signed autograph from Eminem for my birthday.

Or even the time she bought every single of my clients from our group a Christmas present – Not many people go out of their way to do stuff like this.

To sum up online slots Dan in one word it would simply be awesome.

Dan is not the most gifted person when it comes to movement and strength, and I believe she would agree with me on this.

However, I have never heard her complain once about anything. Ever! And she always puts in 100% effort.

No matter how brutal the session, she’ll always leave with a smile and a thank you, and that’s why I love training her.

Some people think client of the month is all about people who lose 5 kilos in a month and although Dan has completely transformed her body, which I’m super proud of…

… She actually receives client of the month for simply being such a damn cool, loyal and awesome client.

Congrats Dan 🙂