ATTENTION: Boronia residents!

Who Else Wants to Transform Their Body in as Little as 3-4 Sessions Per Week?

This Fun, Effective Workout Program Will Help You Look and Feel Your Best … And if You're One of the Lucky Few Who is Truly Serious About Achieving Your Best Possible Body, Improved Health, and Boosted Confidence, You Can Apply For The 5 Kilo Challenge!

Dear Friend,

Just imagine standing in front of your hall mirror and feeling completely satisfied with the way you look.

Picture yourself at the beach or pool showing off an attractive new figure in a flattering new bikini … or commanding attention and respect at the office because you carry yourself with a new confidence … or turning heads when you're out for a night on the town.

Now, how do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror today?

Are there a few trouble areas you'd like to fix?

You're not alone.

Truth is, most of us aren't completely satisfied with our bodies. When we look into the mirror we can't get past the stubborn belly fat … the flabby arms … the sagging backside. Some of us try to avoid mirrors altogether.

It's horrible to struggle with a negative self-image … and it spreads like a darkness impacting every part of your life, including:

- How you feel around others

- How you feel with your partner

- How you feel at work

- It even impacts how you feel when you're completely alone!

When you struggle with negative self-image it's hard to ever feel truly comfortable in your own skin, isn't it?

You can't wear the clothing you really want to wear … you feel awkward on trips to the pool or the beach (that is if you don't make up some sad excuse about why you can't make it, again) … your confidence is in the gutter.

And what about how you feel? Do you yearn for more energy … more functional strength … more vibrancy?

Do you ever think back on your high school days and sigh, “I was so full of life back then! What happened?”

Friend, does any of this describe you? If it does, I'm sorry. Because I know it isn't what you want. You'd much rather look into the mirror and say “WOW!” (And know that your friends and family are thinking the same thing!)

So let me make you an offer. If you'll spare me just 5 minutes of your valuable time to read every word of my letter to you, I'll show you how you can soon look and feel dramatically better at absolutely no risk. Does that sound fair?

If it does, keep reading because I've got some very good news to share with you!

You, In Control of Your Health? YES!

Let's cut right to the chase – we both know what's going to get you on the fast track to the body you've always dreamed about.

And no, it's ...

❌ NOT a pill.

❌ NOT a magic potion.

❌ NOT a “miracle” supplement.

❌ NOT another fad diet

Those are marketing gimmicks. Nothing more. Sure, they'll make some fat cat corporation billions of dollars, but will they help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals? Please.

So what works?

Exercise. Plain and simple.

You're smart. You know that regular exercise and sensible eating are really the only way you're going to get back in control of your health. But ...

You’ve been meaning to exercise, right? Maybe for a while now.

But life gets in the way, doesn’t it?

Tell me if you're familiar with any of these reasonable excuses …

- You work hard all day long … so it's much easier to put a trip to the gym off until tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that.

- You're swamped with a demanding job, responsibilities at home, family, kids … how are you supposed to make the time for exercise?

- You go to bed with the honest intention of getting up early to exercise … but it's much easier to hit the snooze button and grab another precious hour of sleep.

Like I said above, reasonable excuses.

But, reasonable or not excuses are the only thing standing between you and your fitness goals.

You can accomplish more than you even realize. In just a moment I'll show you how. But first, let's address one more common challenge people face on the road to fitness: going to the gym.

The truth is, for most of us … going to the gym sucks.

Going to the public gym sucks!

❌ Big-box gyms are crowded and stressful … you have to waste time waiting on equipment and even when you do get a turn you feel rushed and pressured to race through your work out.

❌ Trying to get back in shape when wannabe bodybuilders and fitness models are staring you down is intimidating.

❌ No one will take a few minutes to show you how to use the machines or lift free weights safely … so most of your time is wasted wandering around the gym trying to figure things out on your own!

❌ You spend long boring hours on cardio machines … but your bulges refuse to budge!

❌ You push your body to the limit with weights … but all you get for your effort are sore muscles (not the toned, sculpted body you've always wanted!)

No wonder it's so easy to let exercise get pushed to the back burner!

But if you keep letting excuses keep you from going to the gym and getting the exercise you need where are you going to be six months from now, a year from now?

Same belly fat.

Same flabby arms.

Same lack of energy.

And that's a best-case scenario. What's more likely is that your body and health will drift even farther away from your fitness goals.

Can you afford to let another year pass without finally getting in shape … boosting your self-esteem … and restoring the energy and vitality of your youth?

It Starts With You. Right Here. Right Now.

Look, it isn't your fault that you're still struggling to reach your health and fitness goals. The big-box gyms aren't invested in your success. As long as they keep collecting membership dues from you month after month they don't really care if you increase your energy, build muscle, or lose weight.

But imagine if it was possible for you to get fit in a fun, uplifting environment … where your health and goals are the #1 priority.

Imagine if you had a professional trainer in your corner who genuinely wants to see you succeed … and is happy to put in the effort to help you get there.

And imagine if instead of wasting your time wandering through a crowded gym … you belonged to a small group where everyone offers support to each other?

I'm not held responsible if you have to buy a new wardrobe LOL

✅ You'd feel ENERGIZED to race towards your fitness and weight loss goals, because you're working out with people who are truly invested in your success.

✅ You'd feel EXCITED because each and every day you're gaining strength and sculpting a trim, attractive body that fills you with pride!

✅ You'd feel RELIEVED because you're working out in a non-judgmental environment with a trainer who sees you as a person, not a paycheck.

✅ You'd feel FIRED UP because you’re becoming as healthy and fit as you were in your youth.

✅ You'd feel CONFIDENT because you've put in the effort at the gym and people will notice.

Can you imagine having those kinds of feelings? Why, you'd actually look forward to going to the gym … instead of dreading it as much as a trip to the dentist.

Guess what? You don't have to imagine. You can experience those results for yourself!

Quit Dreaming About Reaching Your Fitness and Weight Loss Goals. Let Boronia Personal Training Help You Make Those Dreams Your Reality!

Me on the MCG after the Tigers winning the Grand Final in 2017!

Hello, my name is Grant Lofthouse. As a Boronia personal trainer, I know how tough it can be to stay on track to reach your weight loss and fitness goals. You're busy. You've got a lot on your plate. Just finding the time to get in shape, drop those extra pounds, and sculpt a toned, sexy body is challenging.

I also know what it's like to wander around a gym on your own, moving from one set of equipment to the next, trying to figure it all out for yourself. You see other people at the gym who look great. Heck, some of these people even seem to be enjoying their workout! But nothing you try gets you anywhere near the same results. It's frustrating!

That's why I decided it was time for something different. A program designed for busy people like you. A program where you can exercise in a small group environment under the guidance of a trainer who is personally invested in helping you reach your goals.

It isn't easy to maintain the enthusiasm to reach and maintain your fitness goals. That's where I come in. I work with you to help you find your motivation so that you can see your goals clearly and constantly be making progress towards them.

What do your personal fitness goals look like?

- Do you have a vacation coming up and want to look great in your new swimsuit?

- Do you want to slip back into a favorite cocktail dress? (Or throw out your “fat” clothes and shop for a brand new wardrobe?)

- Do you want to have more strength, more vitality, and just feel more alive?

Whatever your goals are, I can help you reach them.

Here’s Exactly What You Get When You Register With Boronia Personal Training Today!

Let's do a real quick pulse check of where we're at before moving on.

You want to get in shape, sculpt a toned attractive body, and enjoy greater strength, energy, and vitality.

And while you're willing to work to reach your goals, you DON'T WANT to spend your every free minute at the gym.

Does that sound about right? If it does, you're going to LOVE Boronia Personal Training.

Boronia Personal Training is a fitness program for REAL people who want REAL results.

You won't endure hours on a treadmill, racing like a hamster in a wheel till you pass out. You won't have a drill sergeant trainer barking out orders at you like you've stumbled into some kind of bootcamp.

What you'll get instead is a “total body” fitness program that equips you with the tools, techniques, and motivation you need to reach your goals – faster than you dared to dream possible!

Here’s a sample of what awaits you when you join me in Boronia Personal Training:

Fun, engaging workouts that produce results… even if you've struggled and failed to get fit in the past.

✔️ Fun, engaging workouts that produce results… even if you've struggled and failed to get fit in the past.

✔️ A small group setting with ample room to exercise and no muscle-head egomaniacs making you feel pressured or intimidated.

✔️ A nutrition program designed for the real world that can accelerate your weight loss and help you trade your flab for a firm, fit body.

✔️ A off day program to help you keep the legs ticking over on the days you're not training with us.

✔️ The thrill of watching your body transform faster than you ever thought possible into the body of your dreams.

I’ve helped a heap of people just like you transform their bodies and their lives with my unique, proven approach to training. Here are just a few of their success stories. Will yours be next?


Stay at home mum

"I've lost two and a half kilos in 3 weeks"

Rachit G

29, Accountant

"I've lost 9 kilos and 32 cm's in only 5 weeks"

Sue D

53, Mum

"My old clothes just hang on me now"

Matt S

37, Business Owner

"I've lost 6 kilos in 3 weeks"

Catriona P

Mum, Nurse

"I've lost 6 kilos plus!"

Imagine This: You Pull of Your Shirt at the Beach and Heads Turn. They Haven't Seen You Since Before You Started Boronia Personal Training. Just Look At You Now!

We work hard, no question. And we have a blast while we're at it. But reaching your fitness and weight loss goals is about far more than seeing how many hours you can work out. Boronia Personal Training takes a complete approach to fitness because that's the quickest and most effective way to get you racing towards one goal after another.

You’ll soon discover:

- Proper weight lifting form to maximize effectiveness and minimize your risk of injury!

- How to practically melt fat from your body and reveal a trim, attractive figure without endless, exhausting cardio sessions!

- A personalized nutrition plan designed just for you … because your body is unique and you deserve a nutrition plan that respects that!

- How to use researched, proven workout techniques to double your results in half the time!

- How the support of your fellow group members can keep you fired up and enthusiastic about getting the body and health you deserve!

And so much MORE!

Remember when I said up above that you wouldn't have to spend every free minute at the gym to get the results you want? I wasn't kidding. I promise you won't have to live at the gym or slog through 3-hour workouts to start seeing real progress FAST!

In fact, you're only going to need to put in a couple of hours each week. Can you carve out enough time to attend two or three 45-minute sessions a week? That's less time than most people spend watching TV after work every day. And that’s all the time it's going to take to transform your body and achieve the kinds of results that most people (the one sitting on the couch in front of the TV after work) can only dream about!

What's More, I'll Be In Your Corner Cheering You On to Success!

If you're looking at a fitness training program, how important is it that you feel comfortable with your trainer? VERY important.

I know and have worked with a lot of personal trainers. Most of these men and women are fantastic people. But I have a serious concern about many of the personal trainers I know. My guess is you'll share this concern.

You see, most trainers are genetically gifted – that's why they pursued fitness as a vocation. These trainers – most of whom mean well – simply don't understand the struggles and frustrations you've put up with for years.

My story is different. I didn't get lucky when it comes to genetics. I'm naturally what scientists describe as an “ectomorph”. And what you might describe as rail thin!

One of the reasons I became a personal trainer is because I know how challenging it is for regular guys and gals to achieve incredible results at the gym. I am that regular guy. That's why I decided to do things differently, rather than opening up yet another “one-size-fits-all” big-box gym.

And what I discovered was very cool. My clients didn't get the same results as the people over at the big gyms … they blew those results away! My very first client lost a massive chunk of  stubborn weight! Here's a few others that have transformed their health and fitness...

"Its now been 12 weeks since I have started seeing Grant to date and I’ve lost 19 kilos."

- Michael F

"I need a new wardrobe!"

- Gordana S

"Looking back at old photos can be a great thing sometimes"

- Tanya G

"Just bought jeans 2 sizes smaller than usual"

- Dan D

But that's not all …

A knee injury from back when I played football meant traditional cardio wasn't in the cards for me. (Plus, does anyone actually like cardio?) I didn't want people to think they only choice they have when it comes to losing weight is sweating it out for hours on the treadmill.

It took me a while. And it demanded a lot of research and personal experience … but I eventually discovered and perfected a system that makes it possible for people to lose weight and keep it off for good, without the need for tons of cardio!

That's what makes Boronia Personal Training so unique. Join today and you get a proven, strategic system to lose weight, build lean muscle, and restore energy and vitality quickly ... without:

- Hour after hour of boring, ineffective cardio

- Endless, exhausting workout sessions that do nothing but make your muscles scream in pain

- Gimmicks and gadgets that promise the world but don't deliver a damn thing

- Huge group workouts where you don’t get to learn proper techniques or nutritional principles

And, of course, you’re getting access to a personal trainer who has the experience, understanding, and proven track record to help you reach your goals. A lot of people can talk big and make grand promises to you. But do they deliver results? I have the certifications, experience, and accomplishments to back up the bold claims I've made to you today:

- Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) Level 2 instructor (only 1 of 15 in Australia).

- Functional Movement Screen (FMS) instructor.

- Primal Move instructor.

- Progressive Calisthenics Instructor.

- Former “weight training guru” for Australia’s Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

- Contributor to Muscle & Fitness Magazine.

Me (middle) Working With D & D From x Factor and YouTube

I'm not telling you this to brag. I am telling you this because I know how important it is to you that you reach your weight loss and fitness goals. And you deserve to know you're partnering with a trainer who has a proven track record of success.

But I understand if you're still hesitant. After all, there are a lot of people in this industry who specialize in slimming down your wallet, but don't do a damn thing to help you reach your goals and enjoy the best life possible.

So to help you make your decision to say “YES” as easy as possible, I'd like to present you with a very special invitation:

Apply Today For Your Chance To Join Our 5 Kilo Challenge!

I will not try to sell you on applying for The 5 Kilos Challenge.

Instead, I will simply tell you who it is for …and who it’s NOT for.

This Group Is For:

- People who desperately want to lose 1-5 kilos.

- People who want to add lean, toned and firm muscle.

- People who can train at our private facility 2-3 times per week.

- People who can train before or after work hours.

- People who know they can get into the best shape of their life, and who are willing to work to make that happen.

This Group Is NOT For:

- People who want 1-on-1 training.

- People who are 'know-it-alls' and not willing to learn and implement.

- People who want to be thrown on some cardio equipment for an hour and call that a workout.

- People who like to whinge, whine and complain.

And now for more brutal honesty: This is not a free program.

Also, this 5 Kilo Challenge will be very hands on with unique training, nutrition and mindset coaching and you’ll be required to implement what you learn… fast … and share your results.

To be read “you gotta work”.

What else? Hmm… oh yes, we are so confident in our system that if after 30 days of following our program, you don't absolutely love it, we will refund you 100% of your money.

Here's How You Apply

First, you’ll need to hit that big button below.

Then you’ll be taken to an application where I ask you all sorts of invasive questions about your health and fitness.

OK – they’re not that invasive. I’m just really trying to weed out the “tyre kickers” here.

Anyway, the application will come to my office and one of two things will happen.

One, I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know politely.

Or two, I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my team or myself will give you a call a call to see if we really are.

Nobody will pressure you or hassle you. If you want in, great we can get you started with the challenge. Our training starts from $55 per week.

And if you don't want in, no problem. We’re cool either way.

I only accept 10 people at a a time. I’ll review applications on a first come, first-served basis.

Ok, Here's The First Step:

Take Me To The Application Form

Why Wait? Request An Application For Your 5 Kilo Challenge and Get Started on Your New, Amazing Body Today!

Can you imagine looking into the mirror and feeling proud and confident about what you see there?

Can you imagine having the energy to go all day long and get more accomplished in a day than a lot of people get done in a week?

Can you imagine feeling in control of your health?

If you can imagine any of those things, I urge you not to let another minute slip through your fingers … it's time to reach out and submit your application to Boronia Personal Training. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a new, vibrant life to gain!

It's decision time.

You have a very important choice to make right now. You can close out this page and turn back to your normal routine … but then what? You know where that routine is taking you. OR, you can grab the steering wheel of your own life now by claiming this exclusive program … and finally make the body and health you've always dreamed about your reality.

I think the choice is obvious, don't you?

Enter your details below and get started with Boronia Personal Training now!


To Your Health,

Grant Lofthouse

Boronia Personal Trainer

Take Me To The Application Form

P.S.: Think about it this way, if you leave this website now and continue on the same path that you’re on. In 30 days from now you can be 3-4 kilo’s HEAVIER, 1-2 pants sizes BIGGER, and feeling absolutely horrible…

OR you can apply for the 5 Kilo Challenge, start and in 30 days from now you can be 3-4 kilo’s LIGHTER, 1-2 pant sizes SMALLER and feeling great! You're an intelligent person and I trust you'll make the right decision.

P.P.S: If you're even remotely interested in looking and feeling amazing, I urge you to take me up on your 5 Kilo Challenge now.

But you must act fast. Although I'd love to be able to keep this special offer around forever, I can't.

In order to keep training sessions small (so you get the individual attention you deserve), I have no choice but to strictly limit the number of people who can take advantage of this deal.

Don't let your spot go to someone else. Apply now!

Ok, Here's The First Step:

Take Me To The Application Form