When Was the Last Time You Felt Really Good About the Way You Look?

Stop Avoiding Mirrors

You're About to Discover a Fun, Effective Baywater Personal Training Program that Will Have You Loving Your Body Again!!

Dear Friend,

Picture this, you're standing in front of your bathroom mirror and you love the way you look.

Maybe you're showing off a trim new figure in a sexy new bikini … maybe you're decked out in a stylish suit and on your way to your high school reunion … maybe you're just heading out for a night on the town and ready to turn some heads.

Hard to believe?

You're not alone.

Truth is, most of us aren't completely satisfied with our bodies. When we look into the mirror we can't get past the flabby tummy … the scrawny frame … the dimpled thighs. Some of us stopped looking into the mirror a long time ago.

It's horrible to struggle with a negative self-image … and it creeps like a shadow over every aspect of your life, including:

- Your social life

- Your love life

- Your career

- Your mood

When you struggle with negative self-image you never really feel comfortable in your own skin, do you? You can't wear the clothing you really want to wear … you fumble for excuses to skip out on the pool or the beach … you wonder (and worry) what total strangers are thinking about you as they pass on the street.

And it isn't just the negative self-image, most of us don’t like the way we feel. We yearn for more energy … more strength … more “get up and go”.

We reminisce about our university days and sigh, “I was so full of life back then!”

Friend, does any of this sound familiar? If it does, I'm sorry. I truly am. Because I know it isn't what you want. You'd much rather look into the mirror and say “WOW!” (And know that your friends and family are thinking the same thing!)

That's why I've written you this brief letter. If you're ready to look and feel as good as you did in your 20's (or even better!), then I hope you'll spend just a few minutes of your valuable time with me today to discover how to ...

Get Back the Body You Love!

- You work long hard days at the office … and you're too exhausted by the end of the day to head into the gym.

- You set your alarm with the best of intentions at bedtime but … if hitting the snooze button was an Olympic sport you'd be a multiple time gold medal winner.

You're smart. And something tells me you already know what it's going to take to get back the body you love.

It’s not a pill.

It’s not the latest TV doctor approved fad.

It’s not a Hollywood diet.

(That's all just slick marketing … it's not a sustainable health and fitness program.)

What's it going to take to get a gorgeous body and boundless energy?

Good old fashioned exercise and sensible eating!

Yeah, yeah … most of us could stand to exercise a little more, right?

And you've been meaning to it's just that, well, you've been so busy.

Do any of these excuses sound familiar?

- You feel like work, household tasks, and the kids just don’t leave any time left for you to get to the gym.

Hey, excuses are perfectly natural. But let's be completely honest for a moment …

Excuses are the only thing standing between you and the body of your dreams.

Excuses and the fact that for most of us … going to the gym sucks.

- Too many gyms are boring, crowded, and stressful … and charge a pretty penny for the “pleasure” of exercising there.

- Too many gyms are packed with guys and gals who look like pro-bodybuilders and fitness models … and you can only wonder what they think of you as you do your best to get in shape.

- Too many gyms are a “sink or swim” affair … and you're expected figure out for yourself how to use the machines or lift free weights correctly.

No wonder it’s so hard to get motivated… let alone stay motivated!

Going to the public gym sucks!

But if you keep doing what you're doing … if you keep coming up with excuses to avoid the gym and skip out on exercise … then the best you can hope for a year from now is to look and feel exactly like you do today.

Same stubborn fat.

Same puny arms.

Same fatigue and exhaustion.

That's a best case scenario. What's far more likely is that you'll fall another year behind in achieving your health and fitness goals.

Are you willing to let another year fly by without finally getting in shape … feeling great about yourself … and restoring the energy and vitality of your youth?

Yes, You Really Can Have the Body You Deserve!

Look, I understand why you might want to avoid the gym. Too many big-box gyms are really good about collecting your membership fees every month … but not so great when it comes to helping you lose weight or build muscle.

Truth is, for far too many gyms you're nothing more than an income source, and as long as you continue paying your dues it makes no difference to them whether or not you achieve your health and fitness goals.

But what if there was a way to get fit in an exciting, positive environment … where helping YOU achieve YOUR health and fitness goals is the #1 priority?

What if you had access to a professional trainer who is personally committed to your success … and eager to provide you with the personal support you need to race towards your goals?

And what if, rather than push your way through crowds of people who completely ignore you … you could exercise in a friendly small group setting where people are excited to support each other?

You'd feel ...

INSPIRED to achieve your health and fitness goals, knowing that you're supported by people who genuinely care about your success!

EXCITED, knowing that with each passing day, you're getting closer to the body of your dreams – and seeing the results in the mirror for yourself.

RELIEVED, knowing that you're working out in a judgment-free environment with a trainer who helps you reach your unique goals.

ENERGIZED, knowing that you can look and feel amazing – at any age.

CONFIDENT, knowing that you're building a body that will turn heads and command attention.

It's a lifestyle, not a chore.

Imagine feeling like that. You'd be happy to go the gym, wouldn't you? I bet you'd even look forward to it?

Friend, you don't have to imagine … you can experience it for yourself!

Bayswater Personal Training Can Help You Get in Shape, Lose Weight, and Tone Lean Muscle!

Hi, my name is Grant Lofthouse. And together, we're going to help you achieve ALL of your health and fitness goals. (And maybe even help you reach some goals you've never had the courage to dream before!)

Me with my God daughter and a Batman birthday cake.

Yeah, I like Batman 🙂

It's not easy to stay motivated to lose weight or build muscle. Like you, I'm crazy busy, and I know the obstacles hard-working people like you face when it comes to dropping a few extra pounds, toning up, and getting in shape.

I also know how frustrating it is to wander around a gym on your own, trying (and failing) to make sense of everything on your own. I’ve spent plenty of time in those big-box gyms, and it’s not fun. It’s like stepping into a foreign land where you don’t speak the language, and trying to figure out how to get by with no one helping you or caring about what happens to you. That's a recipe for frustration and failure.

And that's what prompted me to create something different. An exercise program where busy folks could work out in a small group setting alongside an experienced personal trainer who sees you as a person, not a paycheck.

It's not all that difficult to get excited about a new exercise program … for the first week or two. But maintaining that enthusiasm long enough to experience real and lasting results? Well, if you could do it on your own … you would have by now, right?

That's where I come in.

I'll work with you to keep your enthusiasm high and make sure you're progressing towards clearly defined goals.

Maybe you're tired of saying “Sorry I already have plans” when invited to the beach or a pool party.

Maybe it's high time you slipped back into that little black dress.

Maybe you want to rekindle the fire and energy of your youth.

No matter your goals, if you're committed to reaching them, I can help you make that happen.

Apply to Bayswater Personal Training Today And Just Look at Everything You'll Get!

Bayswater Personal Training is a fitness program for regular people – women and men who want to get in shape, sculpt a fit and trim body, and live life with greater energy and zest ... without sacrificing hours at the gym.

You won't have to race on a treadmill like a hamster on a wheel, sweating bullets till you collapse. You won't have to endure a drill sergeant trainer barking orders at you and pushing you uncomfortably beyond your limits.

Rather, you'll get a “complete body” fitness program that equips you with the tools, techniques, and motivation necessary to zoom to YOUR unique goals!

Here’s just a sample of what to expect when you join me in Bayswater Personal Training:

- Fun, engaging workouts that produce results… even if you've struggled and failed to get fit in the past.

- A small group setting with ample room to exercise and no muscle-head egomaniacs making you feel pressured or intimidated.

- A nutrition program designed for the real world that can accelerate your weight loss and help you trade your flab for a firm, fit body.

- A off day program to help you keep the legs ticking over on the days you're not training with us.

- The thrill of watching your body transform faster than you ever thought possible into the body of your dreams.

I’ve helped a ton of people from all over Bayswater and surrounding suburbs transform their bodies and their lives with my proven approach to training. See for yourself the results my clients have achieved:

Catriona P

Mum, Nurse

"I've lost 6 kilos plus!"

Matt S

37, Business Owner

"I've lost 6 kilos in 3 weeks"

Sue D

53, Mum

"My old clothes just hang on me now"

Rachit G

29, Accountant

"I've lost 9 kilos and 32 cm's in only 5 weeks"


Stay at home mum

"I've lost two and a half kilos in 3 weeks"

Here's How Bayswater Personal Training Can Help You Make Your Dream Body a Reality!

There's a reason it's called “working” out – you gotta WORK to see results! We definitely work hard, no question. And we have a blast while we're at it. But achieving your health and fitness goals is about much more than just adding another rep to your set or another weight on the bar.

Bayswater Personal Training embraces a complete approach to fitness so you can make your dream body a reality quickly … and enjoy the whole process.

You’ll discover:

Proper weight lifting form to maximize effectiveness and minimize your risk of injury!

How to practically melt fat from your body and reveal a trim, attractive figure without endless, exhausting cardio sessions!

A personalized nutrition plan designed just for you … because your body is unique and you deserve a nutrition plan that respects that!

How to use researched, proven workout techniques to double your results in half the time!

How the support of your fellow group members can keep you fired up and enthusiastic about getting the body and health you deserve!

And so much MORE!

Are you worried that you're going to have no choice but to work out with me 24/7 to achieve the kids of results you want? Don't be!

As a matter of fact, it'll only take a few hours per week. Can you spare enough time out of your busy schedule to attend just two or three 45-minute sessions per week​? You can if you want to achieve results badly enough. And if you're still reading this letter, that tells me YOU DO!

Best of All, You'll Get a Baywater Personal Trainer Who Truly Gets You!

When you join a fitness training program, would you agree that it's important for you to feel comfortable with your trainer?

I know a lot of personal trainers. Some of whom are very good. But I have a major concern about many of the personal trainers I know. I wonder if you share this concern? You see, most trainers are genetically gifted – that's what got them into fitness in the first place. These trainers – although oftentimes very well meaning – simply don't understand the struggles and frustrations you've put up with for years.

I didn't win the genetics lottery. I'm naturally what scientists describe as an “ectomorph”. And what you might describe as damn scrawny!

A big part of why I became a personal trainer is because I know how tough it can be for regular folks to achieving amazing results at the gym. But I wanted to do things differently, instead of opening up yet another faceless, intimidating big-box gym.

And I discovered that my clients didn’t get the same results as at the big gyms … they blew those results out of the water! My very first client lost bucket load of weight ...

"Its now been 12 weeks since I have started seeing Grant to date and I’ve lost 19 kilos."

- Michael F

"I need a new wardrobe!"

- Gordana S

"Looking back at old photos can be a great thing sometimes"

- Tanya G

"Just bought jeans 2 sizes smaller than usual"

- Dan D

A knee injury from back when I played football meant traditional cardio was out of the question for me. And I didn't want people to have no other choice but to sweat it out for hours on the treadmill to achieve their weight loss goals.

It didn't happen overnight and it took tons of research and personal experience … but I eventually discovered a system that helped regular people lose weight and keep it off, without relying on tons of cardio!

That's what makes Bayswater Personal Training different. When you join today you're getting a proven, strategic system to lose weight, build muscle, and restore energy and vitality quickly ... without:

- Endless hours running on a treadmill … and getting no closer to your fitness goals

- Pills, potions and powders that are nothing more than expensive marketing gimmicks

- Painful, dangerous workout sessions that leave you feeling wiped out and frustrated

- Huge group workouts where you're just a face in the crowd and don't learn the proper techniques and nutritional principles you need to succeed

And, importantly, you’re getting access to a personal trainer who has the experience, understanding, and proven track record to help you reach your goals. A lot of people can talk and make big promises to you. I have the certifications, experience, and accomplishments to back up the bold claims I've made to you today:

- Russian Kettlebell Certification (RKC) Level 2 instructor (only 1 of 15 in Australia).

- Functional Movement Screen (FMS) instructor.

- Primal Move instructor.

- Former “weight training guru” for Australia’s Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

- Contributor to Muscle & Fitness Magazine.

I don’t tell you any of this to brag, but to help you understand that when you work with me, you’re not getting some fly-by-night trainer who just knows how to show off.

Me (middle) Working With D & D From x Factor and YouTube

I don't say this to brag. I say it because I believe you deserve to know all the facts so you can decide for yourself. And because I don't want anything to hold you back from saying “YES!” to your best health right now, I'm going to make you a very special offer:

Apply Today For Your Chance To Join Our 5 Kilo Challenge!

I will not try to sell you on applying for The 5 Kilo Challenge.

Instead, I will simply tell you who it is for… and who it’s NOT for.

This Group Is For:

- People who want to get stronger, fitter and leaner.

- People who can train at our private facility in Ferntree Gully 3 times per week.

- People who can train before or after work hours.

- People who are friendly and coachable.

- People who know they can get into the best shape of their life, and who are willing to work to make that happen.

This Group Is NOT For:

- It's not for people who want 1-on-1 training.

- It's not for people who are 'know-it-alls' and not willing to learn and implement.

- It's not for people who want to be thrown on some cardio equipment for an hour and call that a workout.

- It's not for people who want a quick fix '28 day challenge' thing.

- It's not for people who like to whinge, whine and complain.

That’s it! Those are all my requirements to be eligible for this program .

Here's How To Get Started

This service costs $55 per week.

But I don’t want you to pay me a dime until you and I are both 100% certain this is the best thing for you to do right now.

And there’s no way either one of us can really know that unless we talk and get to know each other.

So if you’re interested, fill out an application and then we’ll set up a time to talk.

I’ll answer any questions you have, and I’ll ask you a few myself.

And if we both decide we’re a good fit, then we can move forward.

And if we don’t, that’s fine. If you’re happy, I’m happy. It really is that simple.

So with that said, fill out a application form below and we’ll schedule a time to talk ASAP.

Take Me To The Application Form

Are You Ready to Throw Away Your “Fat Clothes” Once And For All?

Are you ready to stand in front of the mirror and love the way you look?

Are you ready to experience the kind of energy that you had when you were in your 20's ... and get more done in a day than some people manage to accomplish all week?

Are you ready to experience the amazing confidence that comes with looking and feeling your very best?

Then you can't afford to wait another minute to apply for Strength Squad. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and a new, vibrant life to gain!

It's decision time. You can close this page and go back to your regular routine … but will that get you any closer to achieving your goals? Or, you can take control of your life now by applying to this program and see what it's like to experience the vibrant health and enviable physique you’ve always wanted.

Make the choice to achieve your best “you.” Click the application button below and get started with Bayswater Personal Training now!

To Your Health,

Grant Lofthouse

Bayswater Personal Trainer

Take Me To The Application Form

P.S.: Two weeks of personal training at most gyms is going to run you $200 or more. But if you act now and join Strength Squad for just $55 per week. I don't know about you, but that seems like a pretty good deal to me! All you need to do is click the button below to see if you qualify.

P.P.S.: If I could, I'd send out this invitation to apply for Strength Squad forever.

That's how serious I am about helping folks enjoy their best health now. Thing is, in order to keep each training sessions small (so you get the individual attention you deserve), I have no choice but to limit the number of people who can take advantage of this invitation.

If you hesitate to “think about it”, your spot could go to someone else! Why risk it? Apply now!

Take Me To The Application Form