Ringwood Personal Trainer Reveals 3 Tips to Get Stronger

This is a blog post by Ringwood Personal Trainer, Grant Lofthouse.

 I was asked on Tik Tok the other day – what are some strength building tips.

Though it is quite a broad question, I think I can narrow it down to a few key things you can do to help you reach your goals. Here are three simple tips to get you started:

Choose the right exercises for low rep work. 

Not all exercises are created equal, and some are better for building strength than others. 
For example, I probably wouldn’t program 5 sets of 3 for bicep curls. But I would still aim to build bicep curl strength in the 6-10 rep range.

Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench press are great for overall strength development.

Be patient with progressive overload. 

Progressive overload is the concept of gradually increasing the demand on your body in order to continue making progress. This could mean increasing the weight you lift, the number of reps you do with the same weight.

This will not happen every single week! 

If it did, we’d all be deadlifting 500 kilos. You gotta have patience, strength building takes time.

Get enough rest and recovery. 

You MUST rest between sets. 

This is probably the hardest thing I try to get my clients at Strength Squad to adopt because unfortunately they have been brainwashed into thinking that having a high heart rate is what equates to a successful workout. 

But if you’re stripping weight off the bar or missing reps each set because you haven’t rested long enough between your working sets, then you’re simply getting weaker.

Overall, getting stronger in the gym requires a combination of the right exercises, progressive overload, rest and recovery (we can also throw in good technique, and consistency)… by following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your strength goals.

Talk soon,


P.S: Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you with your weight loss and fitness goals:

1. Grab a free copy of my new book, The Fat Loss Cheat Sheet
It’s an easy-to-read book revealing the 5 systems you need to turn your body into a fat burning machine. – Click Here

2. Watch this for instant motivation
It’s an interview with one of my clients, Emma, who spills the beans on how she lost 8 kilos in 6 weeks from following our formula. If you want some fitness motivation – Click Here

3. Claim Your 2 Week Try Out
Come train at our private personal training facility, Strength Squad, on the house for the next 2 weeks and see what the fuss is all about.
– Click Here